Secret Angels is an impactful food bank and digital inclusion organisation based in Wolverhampton.

We are dedicated to eradicating hunger and bridging the digital divide in our community. Through our food distribution efforts and digital empowerment programs, we provide essential resources, support, and growth opportunities.

Join us in making a difference by donating, volunteering, or accessing our services. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

About us

Secret Angels - Lives Matter an impactful food bank and digital inclusion organisation based in Wolverhampton.

What we do

Our food bank in Wolverhampton provides vital nourishment to those facing hunger, offering hope and support to the community.


Explore our dedication to supporting our community with a variety of project initiatives. 

2 x Awards

Secret Angels is proud to announce we have won two awards in 2023.An appreciation award with Oracle and a community champion award with Sucha Mela 


At Secret Angels we recognise the pressing challenges of fuel and food poverty that often grip the most vunerable members of our society. Our commitment it unwavering as we strive to make a meaningful impact by providing support where it is needed most - Alvina 









Monday collections with the Co-Op

Every Monday evening, our volunteer team diligently embarks on the task of collecting from six different Co-op stores. Rain or shine, we brave the elements to ensure that we are able to complete our collections efficiently and effectively. Navigating through the busy streets, we carefully gather the necessary items, making sure to adhere to strict schedules and procedures. Despite the challenges that may come our way, we are dedicated to providing the best service possible with our Co-op partners. With determination and perseverance, we work tirelessly so that the collection process runs smoothly to ensure that the users of our food bank service receive high-quality fruit, vegetables, bread and meat.

Make a difference today


Donate and support our food bank in Wolverhampton

We're actively open for donations to support those in need of food. Your small donation goes an extremely long way in making sure the vulnerable have access to basic human needs. Everybody deserves to eat.

£23.000  - Already donated



Donate and support our digital inclusion cause in Wolverhampton

We're actively open for donations to support those in need of digital support. Your small donation goes an extremely long way in allowing everybody the chance to work with technology. Your donations help to fund equipment for those in need.

£12.000  - Already donated


A Black Country food bank is again appealing for the kindness of the public to help people enjoy a sweet treat at Easter.

A Black Country food bank is again appealing for the kindness of the public to help people enjoy a sweet treat at Easter.