
Alvina volunteers with Secret Angels because she is deeply committed to making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable individuals in Wolverhampton. She believes in the organisation's mission to provide support that empowers people to change their own lives and communities. For Alvina, volunteering is a way to contribute to meaningful, long-term change and to be a part of a movement that lifts individuals out of poverty and social exclusion. Volunteering with Secret Angels offers numerous benefits to Alvina, and she plays a crucial role in several key projects with Secret Angels.


I successfully set up a food bank with the fantastic help of Alvina Ali, the founder of Secret Angels for all people who are struggling with the cost of living crisis across our community. Our fantastic team of volunteers spread kindness and compassion to people in need across our community, our aim is to make a positive impact in the lives of others. It was also critical to create relationships with organisations that could potentially help us with the sourcing and logistics of food deliveries and Asda, Co-op and The Wolves Foundation have proven to be outstanding partners in achieving these aims. 


I love to volunteer at our Java Joy tea and coffee afternoons getting to know and chat to the wonderful people in our community who are perhaps facing loneliness or hardship, my aim is to spread kindness and compassion and welcome all of our community with a smile. 


I volunteer my time in bridging the digital divide with users who need it most in our community. I set up laptop computers or tablets and teach essential digital skills so that people do not get left behind in this digital world that we all live in, this in turn helps the user to gain in confidence and independence. 


I really enjoy my volunteer position in the food bank working with our IT and building relationships with our guest users. We have a team of wonderful volunteers who consistently go above and beyond to ensure they do all they can to help the local community, not only has this helped to grow my confidence it has also restored my faith in humanity. Our commitment to combating hunger and fostering hope is an inspiration.


Secret Angels are a hidden gem in the heart of our community, I help with the management of our guests and the logistics of running the food bank. My aim is to help with sustenance and nourishment for those in need, we face very tough times and I am glad to give my time to help make a difference. 


My passion is helping people and my volunteer role at Secret Angels allows me to do that. I love helping our food bank guests in their time of need and also at our Tuesday afternoon sessions of the Java Joy Cafe where we can welcome anyone with a tea or coffee and a chat.


As a teacher I see first hand the effects that food poverty has on young people and their education, I volunteer at our food bank to support the families struggling with the cost of living crisis across our local community.


I believe that by volunteering, we have the wonderful opportunity to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate than ourselves and play a part in making a positive impact on society. Wanting to give back in any way we can shows compassion and kindness, spreading love and hope to those in need. The volunteer spirit is a beautiful way to make the world brighter and better for everyone.


I love volunteering at Secret Angels because they are a grassroots organisation. Our amazing volunteers have made it the success it is today, and I love being part of this dynamic team. I help to sort food donations and collect Co-op donations for our hub. Welcoming new faces to the food bank brings me joy and my ultimate goal is to end food poverty.

Join Us

Are you inspired by Alvina's story? Do you want to make a tangible difference in your community? Join Secret Angels as a volunteer and be a part of our mission to tackle poverty and social exclusion. Like Alvina, you can help empower individuals to change their lives and transform their communities. Whether it's through organising food and clothes banks, leading digital inclusion workshops, or hosting social gatherings like Java Joy, your contribution can create lasting change. Become a volunteer today and experience the profound impact of giving back. Together, we can build a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone.


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